Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hop on Pop

My right arm sleeve is a mix of NW Coast Indian art and Children's Literature creatures. I have the Pop and the two kids bouncing on him from Dr. Suess' "Hop on Pop" around my wrist. Why? Whenever I lay down on the couch or on the floor, the kids pile on.


  1. Cute picture, although my urge to straighten the pictures in the background is overwhelming for me. Must go take my OCD medicine. ;) My friend does this very thing and for months I would straighten them when I would visit. She finally told me to "back off, they are supposed to be like that".

  2. love the new header !! then again, I have always been partial towards fellows in bowties!

  3. When your daddy lies down on the floor, it's hop on time. Those are the rules! I think I am responsible for all my father's back problems. I should probably call and apologize.

    Nice sleeve :-)

    And love the name of your blog!
