Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer rules

New house rule for summer:
You cannot wake up Daddy or Papa unless you are bleeding or the house is on fire.

Note to Anna:
Wanting to tell us you love us at 6:30 am is cute, but not one of the two posted reasons.



  1. In my house, simply bleeding is not enough. One must have arterial bleeding. The term "gush" should apply before awakening the sleeping mother bear. My cubs are a bit older than yours, so they can take care of more minor mishaps themselves.

    Good luck with that plan! I wish you good sleep.

  2. Excellent summer rule!

    I love the new photo at the top of the blog. Beautiful family portrait!

  3. Great Rule. I wish we could enforce it. I get up at 6 and nap fitfully in the play room while the kids hit my face with every toy they have.

  4. that rule sounds way to good to not break.

  5. The rule was broken at 2:30 this morning. No one was bleeding, the house was not on fire. You appeared to have slept through the whole thing.
