Friday, July 10, 2009

Fatherhood Friday post: Getting ready to hit the road

The waiting continues both here and in Ohio. News from my brother is that the bio Dad is contesting paternity, so they have to wait until the end of August for a court date to settle all this. Until then, Olivia waits in foster care and they continue to drive to visit her until the final placement. This is all very strange considering the bio Mom has signed off already. While I am all for Father’s rights, this seems to be a lost cause as he is currently homeless and has several other issues that would send the child back to foster care should he attempt to parent in the first place. In the mean time, important bonding time is clicking by because this ass can’t get his shit together.
With us, the visits are getting longer and Elijah is getting into the rhythm of life with us and his new big sister. The baby gates are back up and we have his room set up and stocked with diapers/wipes and some of the goodies we saved from Anna’s early years. Anna’s first pair of black Chuck Taylor’s hung next to my desk after she outgrew them but now they are back in the drawer in Eli’s room ready for that first hipster Dad/Son moment.
We’re soon off to Rainbow Families Great Lakes annual Family Week in Saugatuck, MI. The first year we went, Anna was eight months old, and we felt a little lost, as we didn’t know then ins and outs of this event. We stayed in a hotel in Holland, MI and drove the 40 minute drive each day to the events, getting naps in for Anna when we could. Now that we are veterans, we’ve rented condos and homes and this year we are sharing a house with two Dads and their daughter for the short time we’ll be there. The week is full of activities and chances to get to know some other LGBT Families. Last year was the first year that both of our parents came in. There was a magical yet stressful 36 hour period when our house was brimming with eight adults and two kids.
Crazy but fun. The first year we went had Tod’s Kia packed to the brim with stuff just for one kid. We totally over packed, and I was beat before we even hit the highway. I called my parents and thanked them for all the great trips we took as kids. I now have a greater appreciation for their efforts and am very grateful.
Evenings at Family Week are spent on the beach drinking wine and watching the sun set into the west over Lake Michigan while the kids play in the sand. It’s usually too cold to swim, but there are some brave ones who will attempt the icy water at dusk. Most of us are content to sit and chill after a day playing in the sun. We’re excited to have Elijah joining us this year, and can’t wait to introduce him to all his new Family Week friends.
You can read more about Rainbow Families here:


  1. WOw...all I can say is WOW

    Best wishes to All!

  2. Good luck.

    And I LOVE the fact that you kept your daughter's first Chucks hanging by your desk. That is a full serving of awesome with a side of very cool dad.

